Team Build - Everyone Benefits
Now that we have established credibility and sustainability of KingUni, you need to clearly understand that the SOLE PURPOSE of this teambuild is to help each and every member RANK ADVANCE to a higher level.
Each and every member who has a K-Pro package will earn a weekly income regardless so the teambuild was designed to simply allow these members to earn EVEN MORE.
With that in mind, everyone earns weekly and by working together as a team (which is what really constitutes a TEAMbuild, more and more people advance to higher and higher levels where more and more money is earned.)

1) To build a matrix downline of any substance you of course need a continuous flow of new members joining the program so we have in this teambuild 5-7 experienced leaders/list builders who have come together to WORK TOGETHER for the benefit of all.
These leaders are very experienced at promoting and building downlines so collectively we anticipate a continuous flow of new members based on our combined efforts.
2) Because of the above (where we have the people who can actually recruit going to work to recruit new members for the entire team) this then means that all the members who cannot promote/don’t want to promote will not be required to do so as our philosophy here, which come from years of experience, is to not ask people to promote when we know very well that doing so will be very difficult for them to do.
This is a very strategically planned teambuild that evolved out of years of experience which utilizes what works and will not implement practices which have shown clearly not to work.
3) We have created a Marketing System and Sales Funnel which will provide the vehicle for the assigned recruiters/builders to very effectively recruit new members into KingUni (and under you) almost on auto-pilot.
The system is strategically designed to produce maximum lead generation and conversion and can be used even by the newbie/part-time recruiter very successfully.

1) If you are a new member you would have most likely been introduced to KingUni by one of our recruiters who would have either introduced you to one of our Team Webinars or sent you to our Team Lead Capture Page (LCP).
2) Every team member who is helping with promotions would be promoting this team LCP as we function as a TRUE TEAM and you would have filled out your contact details on that form.
3) After this you would have been automatically sent an Introductory letter from our Team Autoresponder introducing KingUni and sending you to this very TEAM WEBISTE that you are reading right now.
4) As you are doing now, you will review the website and determine if this opportunity is right for you, as will many others who will come after you. On the next page of this website there will be a CALL TO ACTION where you are asked to join with us in this amazing opportunity.
5) Should you decide this is right for you, you will be asked to send an email to our Team Leader with specific contact information which he will use to register you in the program.
6) Before doing so however, he will reply to your email to ensure/confirm that you are ready, willing and able to really proceed as we really do not want anyone on this team who is not 100% ready to move forward AND you will be given the opportunity to ask/clarify any issues that you may have before joining.
7) Once he is satisfied that you are ready to proceed, he will register you in the program (using the details that you previously sent him) and he will send you an email with the payment information for you to make your payment as well as the steps to follow once you have done so.
8) Once this is done and you are activated in the program, you will be given access to our TEAM TRAINING SITE where literally you will be shown how to navigate your KingUni back office, how/what to do next and be provided with all of the marketing material that you could possibly need to join our “marketing/sales army” to help further promote this opportunity.

You will also have access to our Team Skype Room for paid members as well and of course you will be able to follow along on our team blog and be added to our team's mailing list so that you are kept "in the loop" at all times.
9) Those who want to help promote can then begin and follow the steps provided while those who don’t want to promote/feel that they just cannot promote will not need to promote.
10) For those who do not want to promote, the option will be made available for you to contribute towards our marketing fund that we use to run paid advertising and other advertising forms.
11) This all generates even more leads who are then introduced to our LCP and the entire process is repeated.
12) We continue to build a huge downline ( as many of the leaders are no stranger to this having built very big downlines in other programs ) and more and more members rank advance to higher levels and earn even more money weekly.
We have, without doubt, huge marketing power and this is already evident in the large number of leads that we have already started to generate that are going through the process and joining our team as a paid K3 member and proud member of our Team KinGuni Team Build.
If this all sounds good to you, then we now invite you to review our last page which will explain how to get started and join with us.

KingUni Global Team prides itself on providing you stellar support, tools, and a place to meet new people while earning MASSIVE Income! Contact the Person Who Sent you Here or Contact me skype : hengsovannra , email: , My Facebook :


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